Thursday, October 29, 2009

News of choice home work 2

Paris Hilton Strikes Back At McCain...I think that I agree with Paris Hilton on what she says. I agreed with her because I like Barak Obama more than McCain. And I really wish to see Paris Hilton on real life so I could have a picture with her.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Learning 6 new words weekly Home work

I have learned this week this new words:

Transform : to form, to change.

Wearily : very tierdly.

Tyrant : an absolute ruler who exercises power cruelly and unjustly.

Strategy : a plan to achive a goal.

Fetch : to and get something or someone.

Generate : to begin or to start.

News of choice Home Work

Sitting in the coffe shops only for using the wifi without eating or drinking anything its a negative apperance. I disagree with this apperance because sitting in the coffe shops only for using the wifi this thing will let the tabels of the coffe shop full with pepole who are using only the wifi without buying anything from the coffe shop and this will make the coffe shop lose pepole who wants to sit and eat or drink from the coffe shop. In my country pepole cant just sit down in the coffe shop only for using the wifi without buying anyhting because there are pepole who wants to sit and have a drink or eat something. So I think that sitting in the coffe shops only for using the wifi its going to let the coffe shops lose customers who are going to buy from the coffe shop and let the coffe shop invest some more money.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Dirt Blogger home work

I think that maximus picked up the dirt and let it fall through his fingers to show his men that this is a sign of victory or maybe its a sign that we have to win this battle. And I guess that this action will affect on his army and let them feel that the enemies are like the dirt its easy to kill them as its easy to pick the dirt and let it fall through the fingers.

Monday, October 19, 2009

introducing myself

Hi, I am Ahmed Al mulla I was born in Abu dhabi the capital of the United Arab Emartes in 1991 the 3rd of june. My hobbies is travelling and music,soccer,watching movies,shopping.My goal is improving my english skills at the texas intensive english program so I could pass the tofel exam and study at the american university in my country.I want to be in the future a general maneger in a luxury hotel or a big company.