Sunday, October 25, 2009

News of choice Home Work

Sitting in the coffe shops only for using the wifi without eating or drinking anything its a negative apperance. I disagree with this apperance because sitting in the coffe shops only for using the wifi this thing will let the tabels of the coffe shop full with pepole who are using only the wifi without buying anything from the coffe shop and this will make the coffe shop lose pepole who wants to sit and eat or drink from the coffe shop. In my country pepole cant just sit down in the coffe shop only for using the wifi without buying anyhting because there are pepole who wants to sit and have a drink or eat something. So I think that sitting in the coffe shops only for using the wifi its going to let the coffe shops lose customers who are going to buy from the coffe shop and let the coffe shop invest some more money.


  1. Your article is so interesting. I agree your opinion. some people go coffee shop to use only free wifi. I think this behavior is so selfishness. So costomers have to have conscience.

  2. Me too, I agree with you.
    I think the people dont can wifi only if they sit down in a chair of the store. We need to be aware than only we can use wifi with a condition than buy anything in the store and if we dont buy anything the store´s boss can say us: please you can not stay here because you dont want anything
