Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Weekly Learn 6 New Words Home Work 6

This holiday I have learned this new words:

1- Confidence : I saw this word in a love story, and I searched for the meaning, and I found it means trust or faith in a person or thing.

2- Spam : I saw this word went I went to WICH WICH resturant, and I searched for the meaning and I found it means a kind of tinned luncheon meat, made largely from pork.

3- Rinse : I saw this word in my washing machine, and I searched for the meaning and I found it means to remove soap from (clothes, etc.) by applying clean water in the final stage in washing.

4- Debt : I saw this word in npr articles about Dubai, and I searched for the meaning and I found it means something owed, such as money, goods, or services.

5- Debut : I saw this word even in the npr news articles about Dubai , and I searched for the meaning and I found it means a first public appearance, as of a performer.

6- Monetize : I saw this word on my blog, and I searched for the meaning and I found it means To establish as legal tender.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Weekly Learn 6 New Words Home Work 5

This week Ihave learned this new words :

1- Hypnotised : I saw this word in the story Dear Aunt Molly, and I searched the meaning of the word in the website. It means having your attention fixated as though by a spell.

2- Confident : I saw this word either in the same story, and I searched in the dictionary, I found it means having or marked by confidence or assurance.

3- Decisive : I saw this word in the same story even, and I searched in the website dictionary, it means having the power to decide; conclusive.

4- Unconscious : I learned this word from the story of Dear Aunt Molly, I searched for the meaning and it means occurring in the absence of conscious awareness or thought.

5- Attractive : I saw this word in the story of Dear Aunt Molly, I searched for the meaning, and it means having the power to attract.

6- Composition : I saw this word on the yellow book , I searched for the meaning and it means a short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

News of choice Home Work 8

High-Rolling Dubai Economy Comes Down To Earth. This article is talking about Dubai economy, it says that Dubai economy is dropping, and consumer and investor confidence are dropping worldwide, and even in the oil rich countries. For the past several years, investors, workers and consumers treated the Dubai economy like a roller coaster that only goes up. Then last fall, they suddenly found themselves looking over the edge. It was a view some foreign workers didn't stick around to contemplate. I think that this is real that Dubai economy is dropping, because most of the projects in Dubai the money source are from loans or lending money from Abu dhabi, but in the future I think that Dubai will solve this problem with the new projects like Dubai metro,Dubai tower the longest building in the world,...etc. Finally Abu dhabi may own 40% of Dubai projects in the future.

I agree with abdullahs comment as he said that Abu dhabi is helping Dubai to increase thier economy. Actually Abu dhabi is the richest city in the United Arab Emarites, and they always help the other emarites, and they always help people around the world from natural disasters . And I really wish to have our old days, in the past in the UAE they used to transfer from place to another by camels or donkeys, and my father tells me that in the past it was the most beautiful days in his life, because they didnt had no problems and no traffic, and the life was very simple and cheap.

News of choice Home Work 7

Prince Philip is withdrawing his royal warrant, or seal of approval, from Harrods department store. Mohammed Al Fayed is the billionare who owns Harrods department store has suggested that Prince Philip directed the British secret services in organizing the car crash that took the lives of Al Fayed's son Dodi and Princess Diana. I really dont think that Prince Philip will plan to kill his cousin Princess Diana, as Mohammed Al Fayed says ,because I guess that they didnt hate each other, thats why I am saying that he didnt plan to kill Princess Diana. I think that Mohammed Al fayed the owner of Harrods department store he is jelous because he wanted to get the British citizenship, but the British goverment or Prince Philip didnt agree that Mohammed AL Fayed gets British citizenship. I think that this is all I know about this story.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekly Learn 6 New Words Home Work 4

This week I have learned this new words :

1-Pending: I saw this word in my bank account and I was thinking what does this word mean?I searched in google and I found its not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation.

2-Advantage: I saw this either in my online bank account,and I asked my friend what does it mean? he told me its the resulting score.

3-Rehabilitation: I learned this word when I was in the class on friday,and it means the process of restoration of skills by a person who has had an illness or injury so as to regain maximum self-sufficiency and function in a normal or as near normal manner as possible.

4-Facilites: I learned this word when I was in the class on friday,and it means something created to serve a particular function.

5-Authorized: I saw this word on my debit card and I asked my friend what does it mean?he told me its to give permission for... .

6-Associate: I saw this word on my sports card and I asked my cousin what does it means?he told me its a member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

News of choice Home Work 6

In the desert of Abu Dhabi, a novel experiment in sustainability is under way. Over the next decade, a city of 50,000 residents will be built from scratch. And unlike any other city in the world, Masdar City will have no carbon footprint. Once it's built, the city will be powered entirely by renewable energy. I think that this is amazing to have a city that will have no carbon footprint, and Abu dhabi is looking for a clean energy instead of the oil energy, because the oil energy causes air polution in the city that may affect on the city pepole , when the oil runs out, which it eventually will, Abu Dhabi wants to be ready to sell the world solar or wind or whatever renewable technologies will be needed to supply people's energy needs. I think that Abu dhabi is thinking very well about the future energy plans.Finally the United States of America wants to learn from the mistakes will be made,after that they will transfer this back to America.

News of choice Home Work 5

France's Louvre museum is opening a branch in the Middle East. In a deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars, one of the United Arab Emirates will get to use exhibits from, and the name of, the Louvre. But critics say the deal is nothing more than crass commercialism. I am so proud that Abu dhabi the capital of the UAE is going to open the Louvre museum in the city. I feel so happy that Abu dhabi is going to become a famous city around the world,like Dubai is one of the most famous cities in the world. I really think that this project is going to increase the economy and the investments of Abu dhabi. I hope after I graduate from the university I go to Paris and learn french, after that I come back to Abu dhabi and manage this amazing museum.