Saturday, November 7, 2009

Weekly Learn 6 New Words Home Work 3

1- Scrub: I have learned this word from the body shop I saw some shower gels with scrub, and I asked the lady there what does scrub mean??? she told me its to remove (dirt or stains) by hard rubbing.

2- Horn: I saw this word when I was walking in the university union some students where wearing some t shirts and texas long horn was written on the shirts, and I asked my friend what does horn mean???he told me itsa hard, pointed part, usually one of a pair, on the head of cows, goats, and other animals .

3- Domain: I learned this word when I went to the domain mall, and I asked my friend what does domain means???he told me its an area of interest or an area over which a person has control .

4-Injured: I saw this word when I was watching a foot ball match and listened my friends were saying the player is injured, and I asked them what does it mean???they told me its a hurt or physically harmed.

5-Fee: I saw this word in the bank , and I asked them what does it mean and they told me its an amount of money charged for a service or for the use of something .

6- Premium: I saw this word on the laptop speakers and it says premium sound, and I asked my cousin what does premium mean???he told me its a higher than usual quality or value .

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