Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Weekly Learn 6 New Words Home Work 5

This week Ihave learned this new words :

1- Hypnotised : I saw this word in the story Dear Aunt Molly, and I searched the meaning of the word in the website. It means having your attention fixated as though by a spell.

2- Confident : I saw this word either in the same story, and I searched in the dictionary, I found it means having or marked by confidence or assurance.

3- Decisive : I saw this word in the same story even, and I searched in the website dictionary, it means having the power to decide; conclusive.

4- Unconscious : I learned this word from the story of Dear Aunt Molly, I searched for the meaning and it means occurring in the absence of conscious awareness or thought.

5- Attractive : I saw this word in the story of Dear Aunt Molly, I searched for the meaning, and it means having the power to attract.

6- Composition : I saw this word on the yellow book , I searched for the meaning and it means a short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise.

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